Topside ...
See Disfellowshipping vs. Disassociation post.
i am sending this letter via email to both my local hospital and to several doctors (different version) who have occasion to treat my immediate family.. i thought that i would post such on the db so that others here could also do the same.
however, i would ask that you do not completely duplicate the letter, in the event that the same hospital or same doctor receive this more than once, and discard it as a hoax.
please take the time to change some of the wording, and personalize it to your own circumstances.. i will post any received replies, and i ask that others please do the same.. *****************************************.
Topside ...
See Disfellowshipping vs. Disassociation post.
disassociation versus disfellowshipping is an interesting discussion for several reasons.
morally, one thing matters: both are procedures put in place by the wts to impose shunning.
that is the bottom line.
To clarify post regarding blood transfusion penalties.
i am sending this letter via email to both my local hospital and to several doctors (different version) who have occasion to treat my immediate family.. i thought that i would post such on the db so that others here could also do the same.
however, i would ask that you do not completely duplicate the letter, in the event that the same hospital or same doctor receive this more than once, and discard it as a hoax.
please take the time to change some of the wording, and personalize it to your own circumstances.. i will post any received replies, and i ask that others please do the same.. *****************************************.
: Recently, a Jehovah's Witness conscientiously decided to accept a blood transfusion in order to save their life. This personal decision had to be kept secret, even from their other family members, otherwise the JW knew that they would be "disfellowshipped" (excommunicated) from the JW organization.
Mad Apostate, I am surprised no one has informed you that it has been well over a year since JWs were disfellowshipped for accepting transfusion. A major change in policy made unrepentant acceptance an act of dissassociation.
Thus, you either lie or are badly misinformed in saying someone was "recently disfellowshipped."
The church and its agents do nothing, there is no excommunicating; the non-conforming individual is the one who is the actor in this instance, no matter if the result is still enforced shunning. The elders merely announce to the congregation the parishioner's noncomformity.
Hawkaw, you could bring up the many Maximus/Shilmer threads on these subjects. Muramoto's articles on privacy are also a case in point.
: EITHER you know nothing about the law, OR you are a DISHONEST LIAR intentionally misleading your fellow XJWs.
: Which is it, YOU lowlife piece of SHIT?
Which is it for YOU, Mad Apostate?
watchtower bible & tract society of new york.
25 columbia heights, brooklyn, 11201.
revenue: $951 million.
Please bear in mind that this is a "corporate" report for ONLY
the Watchtower Society of New York, which publishes magazines, books and the like. Kent is quite right in noting this is SALES revenue, possibly not up to date because it lists Milton Henschel as president rather than Max Larson. This is the revenue they LET you see. They have been masters at hiding money, for a very long time.
Remember that the Watch Tower Society of Pennsylvania has considerable revenue from a number of sources, including convention "contributions." I believe Expatbrit posted some specifics awhile back.
Someone ought to put all the figures together for BOTH corporations.
As to Jayhawk's question, let it be noted the Society has been extremely inefficient, despite the stories to the contrary. Maximus has quoted George Couch as saying "one half the Bethel family supported the other half." They've been chopping away at costs for over a year now, all over the world. They were extremely cash rich for awhile. While they made a killing when the U.S. market was in its heyday, they also experienced its losses. Insiders have reported the Society has been very good at hiding money.
Expect to see increased calls for "relief" donations.
Has anyone pictured the Brooklyn Boyz in Money yesterday? Which stocks did they sell? One they will hang onto is Biopure, maker of Hemopure. "Cow's blood--not just for pagans any more."
message from brooklyn bethel on the terrorist attack on the us .
i've been reading your site for some time and i appreciate the information that you provide.
many of the questions that i've asked for years are being asked by you and your visitors.
Kent, I've gotten confirmation from one of the sources you list of those known to provide accurate information always. What you post is true.
My source said there were also stupid comments made about 60,000 Witnesses who die each year! Duh. So does a percentage of the TOTAL population. The point was that huge death numbers are no big deal. What an ugly thought.
While Wallen spoke of compassion, others have spoken of stupid similes like Witness "search and rescue" missions. They weren't referring to going across the bridge to the City.
I was also told there are increased concerns for Bethelites' "safety" owing to the startup of a ferry service from Brooklyn to downtown Manhattan in order to get more persons back to the area, to work, etc. No ferry service has been around since the Brooklyn Bridge went up.
if i am misquoting the theology espoused by jws then please correct me.. but i am trying to appreciate their theology as far as death and armageddon are concerned.
we know that the jw belief is as follows: "he who has died has been acquitted of his sin".
this is often used to imply that almost all who die prior to the great tribulation or armageddon will receive a resurrection of life or judgement (ok we know sodom dudes, judas and the flood victims wont get one according to jw theology).
: Then logically, according to the JW teaching those who were killed in the NY attack "have been acquitted from their sin" and are elligible for resurrection now.
Logically, then, the unknown number of terrorists who were also killed in the NY attack were acquitted from their sin.
Therefore they qualify for the resurrection too, despite the likelihood of their being extreme Muslim fundamentalists!
Good points, msil.
For others, according to recent KMs who note lack of response to DtoD ministry, the preaching work "marks" those who refuse to accept the truth.
Of course, they would be resurrected without being so marked!
maximus has requested that i post the following, for jayhawk especially, and for others who are the living victims of the tragic act of suicide.. .
while all suicides are devastating tragedies, jw suicides are especially hard to bear, depending on the viewpoint of the survivor.
one person may be shattered, while another merely accepts the possibility of a resurrection of a loved one.
Someone yesterday noted the presence of priests at the awful tragedy.
What they do is grief counseling. "Last rites" is just part of it.
I think the principles in this piece are apropos for all of us.
new york times, september 10, 2001. children's sexual exploitation underestimated, study finds.
by raymond hernandez.
washington, sept. 9 a detailed study of child sexual exploitation in north america has concluded that the problem is far more widespread than has been previously documented.. the study, to be released on monday by researchers at the university of pennsylvania, relied on interviews with victims, child welfare workers and law enforcement officials in 28 cities in united states, mexico and canada from january 1999 through last march.. it also relied on the latest public and private estimates on the number of runaway and homeless youths in the three countries and on estimates by law enforcement officials and child welfare authorities of the number of these children sexually exploited.. the study estimated that in the united states 325,000 children a year were subjected to sexual exploitation, including prostitution, use in pornography and molestation.
New York Times, September 10, 2001
Children's Sexual Exploitation Underestimated, Study Finds
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 — A detailed study of child sexual exploitation in North America has concluded that the problem is far more widespread than has been previously documented.
The study, to be released on Monday by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, relied on interviews with victims, child welfare workers and law enforcement officials in 28 cities in United States, Mexico and Canada from January 1999 through last March.
It also relied on the latest public and private estimates on the number of runaway and homeless youths in the three countries and on estimates by law enforcement officials and child welfare authorities of the number of these children sexually exploited.
The study estimated that in the United States 325,000 children a year were subjected to sexual exploitation, including prostitution, use in pornography and molestation. The study's authors said the number of abused children was much higher than was previously thought.
"The magnitude of the problem is really something that is not understood," said Richard J. Estes, one of the main authors of the report and a professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Work.
The study estimated that among the sexually exploited children in the United States, 121,911 ran away from home; 6,793 fled mental hospitals, foster homes or other institutions; and 51,602 were thrown out of their home by a parent or guardian. It said that about 11,500 were foreign-born children who came into the United States either legally or illegally.
The study found that 47 percent of sexual assaults on children were committed by relatives; 49 percent by acquaintances, such as a teacher, a coach or a neighbor; and only 4 percent by strangers. The researchers also reported that about 20 percent of sexually exploited children who were interviewed were involved in prostitution rings that worked across state lines.
The study found that 95 percent of the commercial sex involving boys was with men, and it found that at least 25 percent of girls in gangs had had sex with other members as part of the gang rites. The report provides a profile of people who engage in sex with minors: nearly all men and about a quarter of them married with children. The profile was compiled from interviews with victims and arrest records.
The study's authors said official reports seriously underestimated the problem. The study found gaps in policies and services to combat sexual exploitation and help the victims.
The researchers' recommendations for dealing with the problem, included increasing penalties, enforcing existing laws more vigorously and expanding the federal government's role in combating abuse. The data from Mexico and Canada were not available today.
Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company
maximus has requested that i post the following, for jayhawk especially, and for others who are the living victims of the tragic act of suicide.. .
while all suicides are devastating tragedies, jw suicides are especially hard to bear, depending on the viewpoint of the survivor.
one person may be shattered, while another merely accepts the possibility of a resurrection of a loved one.
Hopefully for Jayhawk to see
i had a victim call me after they had called bethel this morning.
they were informed bethe was offically closed till 1:30 pm for a special meeting with the bethel family.
would anyone care to speculate or verify the purpose of the meeting?
Okay, anewperson. I give up on you, you are beyond redemption.
You refuse to ask Randy, refuse to ask Bill Bowen, refuse to call Bethel, but now you stubbornly persist in saying Schroeder MAY be an attorney!
You stand completely discredited. You should just have said your information was incorrect and moved on.
The title you mention was similar to that given to Schroeder when he was in the Public Affairs office, the Public Relations office, from which he was unfairly kicked out a long time ago.
You have been told before that this wondrous list you put out was made up by SCIENTOLOGY to enhance its status in presentation. Anyone can check out the links, you apparently have not even checked your own URL!
DOs do not 'speak with groups of COs.' Your ignorance is once again showing badly. I've explained the current training sessions, you ignore the facts once again.
If the "Schroeder duo" had any power, there would be no blood or child abuse mess, my friend! They do not.
You are WATCHTOWER to the bone in your stubbornness and refusal to accept facts. That speaks very poorly for JahChristian.
About Henschel.
but to the best of everyone's knowledge he is still the President of the WTBTS and although the Gov Body is said to now be reorganized such that the chairmanship changes yearly we have not heard that he has resigned.
Your ignorance is showing again. More than 2,000 people on this board know better. And by the way, the chairmanship ALWAYS changed.
Don Adams has been president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania ("the Society") since the corporate changes a year ago! Good God, man, once again you get your facts wrong, wrong, wrong. When reports of the annual meeting appear on this board a month from now, you will still be insisting Henschel is president, no doubt.
Readers can no longer trust "inside" information you post.
I'm done with you, for all time.